Tel:01205 400 000



Some of our recent testimonials are shown below.



16 total

RobinH gave Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) a rating of 5 stars

Recently registered and very pleased


Boston Dental Centre
01205 400 000
Boston Dental Centre

My wife and I recently registered, with myself requiring an appointment for root canal treatment within a week or two.
We soon received an appointment for registration and checkup, which was combined. My root canal treatment required was confirmed and a start made in about 1 week, which I was pleased with. The dentist was extremely thorough, professional and caring. The assistant was also very good. They worked together very well as a team. Procedures and expected outcome variables were well explained by the dentist.
Today, my rct was completed.
To sum up, I am very pleased to be visiting this dentist at this well run and efficient practice.
Thank you for such great treatment on the NHS.

Visited in February 2015. Posted on 27 February 2015

Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) has not yet replied.

S Goodison gave Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) a rating of 5 stars

New patient to this practice


Boston Dental Centre
01205 400 000
Boston Dental Centre

I have found this dental practice to be very prompt and on time with all appointments in all very professional.

Visited in January 2014. Posted on 13 January 2014

Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) has not yet replied.

Richard baguley gave Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) a rating of 5 stars

5 star dentist


Boston Dental Centre
01205 400 000
Boston Dental Centre

Having not been to a dentist in 15 years and was sick of being left in pain phoned plenty in the area to be told books was full or around a 6 month waiting list ! Phoned boston and was there the same day …. Put me at ease in a instant and told me everything from what I needed to how long it would take Evan told me the pain factor lol hence not been in a chair for 15 years I was slightly scared …. Anyway completey changed my life and couldn’t ask for a better dentist I think when my treatments are over I suppose I owe them a thank you gift.

Visited in January 2014. Posted on 21 January 2014

Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) has not yet replied.

Tina chaieb reviewed Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli)

root canal


Boston Dental Centre
01205 400 000
Boston Dental Centre

I’m the first to admit I’m scared of Dentists, haven’t been to one for 5 years, so when I had some problems, and recommendations, I made a brave attempt
The reception staff,instantly put me at ease I was recommended to a lovely dentist I can not praise them enough, and if like me yr scared, don’t be because this practice is the best in the world..

Visited in January 2014. Posted on 09 February 2014

Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) has not yet replied.

Graham Clarkson gave Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) a rating of 5 stars

my root canal treatment


Boston Dental Centre
01205 400 000
Boston Dental Centre

I started with my tooth having a cracked filling my dentist ex-rayed the tooth and found that it needed treatment. the only option I had was extraction or root canal treatment.
we discussed this and we both decided to do the root canal treatment which took four visits but ended up in getting an abcess
I was given anti- biotics immediately but frustratingly this did not work now I have to have the tooth extracted to clear the infection. this has put me against having this done again.
next time the tooth will come out no discussion

Visited in January 2014. Posted on 12 February 2014

Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) has not yet replied.

Anonymous gave Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) a rating of 5 stars



Crown came off. Got same day appointment to review what to do with different dentist in practice.
Then it was to be discussed with my Dentist…. nothing happened , made 2 phone calls and got an appointment which was made for a check up and I had gone to have the root out and taken friend in case I reacted to anaesthetic as in the past. They did the extraction at that appointment, not knowing it would take nearly an hour, and help, and a few people having to rebook!
Follow up routine appointment this week…… quick and no problems!

Visited in May 2013. Posted on 11 May 2013

Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) has not yet replied.

Claire gave Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) a rating of 3 stars

Root canal treatment without pain relief


That was my experience … by the same dentist who on a previous treatment had told me that they didn’t do root canal treatment ( in regard to a tooth that then had to be extracted because that treatment hadn’t been available).
I cried all the way through, constantly jumping out of the chair because of the pain and was told it ‘was necessary’.
They also left another tooth half extracted and told me ‘ the body will get rid of it naturally’ … well it hasn’t and not it hurts.

That dentist left. I did go and see another one who I have to admit treated me painlessly but continually told me off about not going back sooner.

uummmmm.. I was terrified! Still am. Havent been to the dentist in ages now. Far too scared.

Visited in April 2013. Posted on 31 March 2015


Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) has not yet replied.

Rosemary Keywood gave Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) a rating of 5 stars

Tooth extraction


The Dentist showed compassion and very high efficiency in my treatment. I couldn’t be more satisfied. Thank you so much.

Visited in April 2013. Posted on 01 May 2013


Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) has not yet replied.

Anonymous reviewed Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli)

Reasonable but more choice required in terms of contact/booking appointment.

What I liked

I feel the dentist we see is competent and willing to discuss matters.

What could have been improved

The issue raised by others regarding the 0844 number. Contrary to the practice statement that this is the same cost as a ‘local call’, this very much depends on the service provider. For me and others the cost of this call is significantly higher that an O1… number. As such, and in order to faciliate genuine patient choice, I would ask the practice to at least provide and 01… number alongside the 0844 number.

The online booking system still appears to be inoperable – again, this could do with being resolved in order to facilitate a range of access methods (every visit I am told it will be fixed soon – this has been the case for a long time now).

Visited in September 2012. Posted on 06 September 2012


Boston Dental Centre (Mrs L Amini & Mrs M Tavasoli) replied on 30 October 2012

NHS Lincolnshire would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your comments and support.

This information has been passed on to Boston Dental Centre and I can advise that they welcome all patient feedback to ensure the best possbile service is achieved for the patient.

If you would like to discuss your concerns regarding the use of a local number then please feel free to do so with Jo Graham, Practice Manager.

Best Wishes


Review this dentist yourself
